
I was born and raised in Asheville. I moved away to attend college at University of North Carolina Greensboro and East Tennessee State University to study nursing, then traveled for a bit afterwards. But eventually I ended up back in Asheville where my family was—we are a big close knit family so living near them was important to me (and even more so after becoming a mother).

I am a mom of two boys—Jax (6) and Kai (2). I homeschool them both and enjoy having them home with me all day. I love soaking up every single moment with them so I never miss a thing!

When I'm not making SoulKu jewelry and teaching my boys, we frequently visit my family beach house in Sunset Beach, NC. My boys love the water, so we try to go once a month. The beach house is also a place where my family comes together, and I can hang with my siblings and my boys can play with their cousins.

After working for SoulKu for almost 7 years, my favorite item to make is a pair earrings. I love wire wrapping gemstones and finding the perfect pair. I also work a lot on the go—like at the pool and in the car, which is very easy to do with the earrings. I can take my jewelry there and make it alongside as my boys splash around. I especially love the Opaline Earrings for Motherhood because being a mama is my favorite thing in the world!

I'm so grateful to SoulKu for providing me the extra time with my babies. And I also love the community of strong women that are behind the scenes!

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